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Hangzhou Greensky Biological Tech Co.,Ltd Xi`an Branch Office

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ginkgo biloba extract
ginkgo biloba extract
Specification: Flavones/Lactones 24/6
Detail: Product Name: Ginkgo Biloba Extract Latin name: Ginkgo biloba L. Family: Ginkgoceae Genus: Ginkgo Part used: Leaf Harvest season&©|65306; In Spring and In autumn Function The leaves are still used in Chinese medicine to...

Specification: Octasocanol is 5%,30% ,50%, 60%, 90%
Detail: Product Name: Octasocanol Appearance: White powder Function Effects of policosanol supplementaition have been proven by studies of humans and animals, 1. Effective LDL reduction 2. Increases HDL levels 3. Amelionration o...

Specification: Lycopene is 5%~30%(oil), 5%~90%(powder)
Detail: Product Name: Lycopene Appearance: Scarlet red powder Function Lycopene is an important member of the carotinoid families,it may restrain and reduce the occurring rate of prostate cancer, womb cervical caner,pancreatic aanc...

kava kava extract
kava kava extract
Specification: Kavalactons 30%
Detail: Product Name: Kava Kava Extract Appearance: Yellow powder Function Kava Kava Extract may have anti-anxiety,analgesic(pain relieving),muscle relaxing and anticonvulsant effects. Studies suggest that kava directly influences ...

feverfew extract
feverfew extract
Specification: Parthenolide 0.3%,0.5%,0.8%
Detail: Product Name: Feverfew Extract Appearance: Yellow--brown powder Function Feverfew Extract used as a carminative,emmenagogue, tonic,vermifuge(expeller of parasitic worms),and anti inflammatory agent for arthritis. It has als...
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